It’s a beautiful summer’s day when I leave Tallinn. The weather and trees remind me of an Indian summer in another climate. It enhances the positive vibe with which I’m leaving town. Grateful for the many beautiful memories and new friends I was allowed to make. My stay has had an enormous impact and will be cherished for all the days to come. I get on the bus and head for Warsaw, reminiscing all the good memories while watching the lush green pass.
First stop Warsaw
Warsaw is covered in a typical Sunday morning rain when I arrive. Still tired from the night bus, my first city tour brought less joy than expected. The next day would compensate for that entirely. As I booked my guest room online, I wasn’t aware that opposite my building would be a B&B hosting a series of piano recitals. During the day, I could hear the players practice as their excerpts blew over the street and ventured into my kitchen. So I enjoyed the scent of liberty those sounds accompanied. With elevated spirits, I endeavored into the city and paid a visit to the Jewish museum, which was very enlighting. Little, as a true West-European, did I know about how progressive and liberal Poland was about 1000 years ago and how often they fell victim to occupying forces in the past centuries. The neighboring countries were very eager to occupy this wealthy nation.
During my stay in Warsaw, I had unexpected meetings with Ukrainian refugees. Their stories made me thankful for being able to live in a peaceful society and, at the same time, warned me how little is needed for peace to be broken. Peace seems like a beautiful porcelain vase, which deserves to be treated well. On my way back, I had time to attend the piano recital and was blown away by their quatre mains and more hand performances. The piece de resistance was an opus for eight hands, played by three skilled piano players, the ‘Galop Marche‘ by Albert Lavignac (an unknown composer to me). Despite the laughter and cheer, the craziest and most hilarious piece I have ever heard and played without a miss.
Later, I spoke with two of the three piano players: Anna Hajduk, the feel-good rhythm section of any music orchestra, and Maurizio Moretti, the eminence who was phlegmatically elated to accompany talented players. Both piano virtuosos share my opinion that classical music is fun, like any other. Her laughter and his profound smile supported their view. Music is to enjoy people, to give energy, inspire, and give a break from everyday life. To live in a society where we can play and listen to the music of our choice at our initiative is a freedom, a spirit of liberty we have to savior, like a beautiful vase.
Next stop on the train to Berlin and Eindhoven
Still delighted with the discoveries and thinking about my meetings, I left Warsaw. Knowing nothing will happen during the train ride, I’m keen on getting to Eindhoven. I will read one of my classical music stories to children at the Van Piere Bookstore. What my first experience when I arrived in the city was? Did the Dutch even get louder, or did I become used to this calm and quiet attitude in Tallinn? And yes, the air quality is not very accommodating for my lungs. But first, touch base and share my passion for classical music with children. Can’t wait.